Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hey Premi U have seen My pic

Breathtaking Reality
Home-town love found over a hot dog counter. It doesn’t sound romantic, but it was the single most important event in my life. Among old friends that I can barely remember – among those fading names and faces – I met the girl that would become my wife.I never expected that ordinary day to be so significant. I always dreamt of it: what she would be like, how she would act, and where I would meet her? When it arrived, it was a wonderful surprise.By no means, would I have ever guessed the place to be over a hot dog counter. But honestly it doesn’t really matter where it was; over a hot dog, in the park, or over looking the ocean. Perfect settings and moments are for the movies. The moments of real life are the ones that I treasure most.Where I met you was and always will be burned in my memory. The day that I met my wife, the day that changed the course my life, that day, in my home-town, over the hot dog counter, I met my wife.